Our Onsite Services department deliver an expanding selection of industry relevant services that aid our clients’ in ensuring their workforce are maintaining individual fitness for work, whilst upholding general safety, health and wellbeing throughout work and their lives. 

We maintain our versatility and down to earth nature when providing you with our services and are always considerate of any specific requirements or individual needs. Our services are available for metropolitan, rural and regional (where applicable) workplaces. 

The Knight Health Onsite catalogue will be expanding in 2023, and our doors are always open to aim to provide you with any tailored services you require at your place of work. For any enquires, please reach out to us by email: onsite@knighthealth.com.au

Drug and Alcohol Testing

We offer both instant & laboratory screening options for specimen collection. Any non-negative results are sent for LCMS confirmatory testing to differentiate between positive prescriptions or positive illicit substance use/abuse.

Increase employee safety, work quality and your reputation, whilst decreasing work-related injuries, insurance costs and staff turnover. With a drug and alcohol policy in place, Knight Health can come to your workplace to perform discreet random, blanket, causal or on-call drug & alcohol testing.

Skin Checks

Reduce risks, liability and employee absenteeism by having our Knight Health doctors come to your workplace to examine employee skin health. Any suspicious lesions are holistically cared for through our in-depth referral program.

Preventing occupational diseases, such as skin cancers, is an Australian health priority.

“Failing to provide a safe working environment leaves employers open to litigation if skin cancer can be attributed to occupational exposure”. 1

Workplace Ergonomics

No two people have the same requirements, therefore, workspace set-ups should reflect individual needs. We consider body type, furniture size/features/placement, habits, lighting, sound, visual requirements, computing systems, task/job requirements, sit-to-stand incorporation, plus more to deliver a detailed report of recommendations for a happier and healthier employee or workforce.

Ergonomic hazards or mismatches can greatly impact the health, wellbeing and productivity of your workforce. Our qualified Exercise Scientists & Exercise Physiologists assess the whole picture so we can deliver tailored, evidence-based recommendations.

1. Position statement – Sun (UV) protection in the workplace. [Internet]. Sydney: Cancer Council Control Policy. 2016 Oct 5, 07:19 UTC [cited 2022 Sep 16]. Available on this link.